제 1회

2013 남이섬 국제그림책 일러스트레이션 공모전



한스 크리스찬 안데르센 탄생 200주년을 기념하기 위하여

2005년 4월 한국의 남이섬에서 처음 시작된 어린이책 축제입니다.  

"책을 먹고 마시고 베고 접고 날리고 책 속에서 뒹굴어라~!"


안데르센 동화와 원화전을 중심으로 세계 각국의 어린이 책과 다채로운

 공연 및 문화 체험이 어우러진 남이섬세계책나라축제는

내외국인들이 어린이책을 통하여 서로 소통하고 문화의 기쁨을 나누는

 국제적인 문화축제가 되었습니다.


올해 2013년도에는 세계책나라축제와더불어

첫 번째로 그림책 일러스트레이션 공모전을 개최합니다.

 양질의 동화책 창작의 장을 지원하고

 문화예술분야의 성장을 목적으로하며,

 전세계 일러스트레이터라면 누구나 참여가능








Portugal - Guest of Honour at Illustrators Exhibitions 2012

Portugal is the Guest of Honour Country of next  edition of the Bologna Children’s Book Fair.
Portugal brings along the exhibition Como as cerejas (Like Cherries) an opportunity to cast a gaze on the contemporary Portuguese illustration for children.

The Exhibition will lead to the pleasure of discovering its leading artists, the variety of styles, techniques and tendencies of the fascinating Portuguese culture.



Eun-young Cho
Grand Prix BIB - 
Biennial of Illustration Bratislava 2011

I was born in Seoul, Korea, in 1981. I received my undergraduate degree in visual design from Ehwa Women’s University and my graduate degree in illustration from the University of Seoul.
My first work La Course was published in 2010 by the French publishing company Editions Memo and in 2011 by the Korea-based Borim Press under the title Run! Toto.

I have been living in Seoul for the last three decades, a city where countless people and cars bustle restlessly among crowded apartment buildings. People often say Seoul is a frigid city where there is no room for people to rest. But it is the city where my daily life takes place and my memories have accumulated.

I am not so good at spinning wild tales. Rather, I enjoy studying my surroundings. I observe the place where I live and the people with whom I live and seek to express my feelings about them in my illustrations. I dream that in the future I will surround myself with my grandchildren and two dogs bigger than I and show them the picture books I have created. I know I still have a long way to go before I realize this dream.












14 bis 23.oktober 2011,

10 Tage Figurentheater vom Feinsten


Herzlich willkommen zum

„2. Internationalen Marionetten-Festival Lüchow-Dannenberg“

mit 35 Aufführungen und 20 Figurentheatern

aus dem In- und Ausland an 8 Standorten!



Frankfurter Buchmesse :

Die Buchmesse findet vom 12. bis 16. Oktober 2011 statt.

Ehrengast ist Island.





Satire-Märchen: Premiere wird auf März verschoben.


Rheinfelden (rs) „Querfeldrhein“ muss passen – zumindest vorübergehend: Die Aufführung des satirischen Märchens „Der nackte König“ von Jewgeni Schwarz, die eigentlich am 30. September ihre Premiere feiern sollte, wird um ein halbes Jahr verschoben.

Der Grund: Der Darsteller einer der tragenden Rollen hat einen Herzinfarkt erlitten, sagt Regisseur Wolfgang Dreiser. Die Truppe habe sich dafür entschieden, lieber noch ein halbes Jahr zu warten, als eine Umbesetzung vorzunehmen. Jetzt wird der März als Start für das Stück angepeilt. Sechs Aufführungen sind vorgesehen. Seit Januar laufen die Proben für „Der nackte König“, einer Kollage von drei verschiedenen Märchen von Hanns Christian Andersen, zuletzt zwei bis drei Mal pro Woche. „Jetzt werden wir allerdings nur noch ab und zu proben“, sagt Dreiser.









How to take part

The Exhibition is open to:
illustrators, including professionals and newcomers, submitting unpublished works or works published in the last two years
art colleges submitting projects produced by their students in the last two years of study
publishers presenting their illustrators


Send by 26 September 2011

  1. Application Form
  2. 5 original illustrations (fixed number), unpublished or published after 1 January 2010, in black and white or colour, produced using any technique, including computer graphics (in case of mixed technique, please send both original drawings and printouts of the ultimate artwork).
    Artwork previously submitted to the Exhibition may not be re-entered.
    The illustrations must be based on the same theme and must be numbered from 1 to 5 (labels enclosed) in the desired order. The number of illustrations (5) is mandatory. Submissions of any other number of works will be rejected.

to the following address:
BolognaFiere - Illustrators Exhibition
Piazza Costituzione, 6
40128 Bologna – Italy

Maximum size for the artwork:
> Fiction 32 x 42 cm (or 42 x 32 cm)
> Non-Fiction 50 x 70 cm (or 70 x 50 cm)
Illustrations in larger formats will not be considered, nor will they be returned by BolognaFiere.

Entry to the Exhibition is free and entitles you to a pass granting you admission to the 2012 Bologna Children's Book Fair.


or further information:
Bologna Children's Book Fair - Mostra degli Illustratori
Piazza Costituzione, 6 - 40128 Bologna - Italy
Tel. 39 051 282494 - Fax 39 051 6374011
Email: illustratori@bolognafiere.it
